copyright Bear will leave a lasting impression

Yes, gentlemen and ladies be sure to buckle your seatbelts as you set out for a thrilling ride of absurdity! "copyright Bear" is an absolutely thrilling ride, in more the ways you could imagine. This movie is based on the "bear-y" true story and transforms it into an hilarious horror comedy that will keep you smiling, scratching the inside of your

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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Movie Review

After the dust had settled on the prequel trilogy, more than a few people weren't particularly happy with George Lucas' vision for the Star Wars series. Some years and rights acquisitions later, and before you know it Disney owns Lucas Films, and with it the Star Wars franchise. This wasn't just a buyout though, before long work on a brand new tril

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Xenomorph Biology: A Scientific Analysis Movie Review

ODecker Shado, the internet personality with the best hair, digs into every theatrical Alien movie thus far, and the AVP franchise to observe the Xenomorph in it's (blog post) natural habitat. That is, anywhere there are people to kill. How does it's depiction work, when looked at in terms of growth rate, and believability?Source: Xenomorph Biology

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The Children Movie Review

A 2008 Christmastime horror movie, The Children is what you would expect. A tale of murderous things noted by what follows "The" in the title. Yes, that's right - killer children! This concept sounds like it would be stupid camp, but actually this English funny horror movies film plays the concept a lot more seriously than that. However, does it su

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